New Documentary Supposedly About Julian Assange

Title: Julian Assange and the dark secrets of war | DW Documentary
Let me start by saying everyone should watch this 55 min video
My wife watched for about 15 min but I thought it:
1) Had content worthy of watching through.
2) Could be set on 4k video and there was much beautiful scenery.

3) The sound was good even though I had average speakers.

4) They did not linger too long on one segment so it was adequate to hold my attention.
5) This told the story of the, what I consider famous, video Wikileaks released.

6) Has the potential to heal wounds between Americans and other countries.
7) Is a story of tragedy and forgiveness, worthy concepts, while giving some of the Wikileaks / Assange story.

As the video ended I thought of Ephesians 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

The documentary starts in a replica of Julian Assange’s Belmarsh cell.

There is some graphic imagery and language. There are clips from things circling around Julian Assange.

We see some beautiful imagery of Iceland. We have clips of people like Mike Pompeo, Jeremy Coybyn, and John Bolton. Joe Biden is mostly a good guy to the narrator of the film. They go to Al-Amin, showing quality imagery, to find one of the surviving victims in the Wikileaks released video.

They had other pictures from other sources there of what happened in the Wikileaks video. Nevalny is contrasted with Assange later in the video. In other words several stories are woven together and told at the same time. The climax comes near the end of the video when an ex-soldier who rescued the Al-Amin person meet and talk over the internet.

We see imagery of Julian Assange returning home near the end.

The video ends with the narrator saying “The first casualty of war is the truth, followed by its messengers.” For me the main story was the Wikileaks video. The Julian Assange story was told via the video story. The narrator himself was targeted by Turkey for what he published and imprisoned. For a documentary my rating system is easy … content, sound, imagery, somewhat entertaining, etc I will give it 5 stars (all basic elements are well done) because I think everyone should watch it … and learn how to bring compassion and forgiveness between people of different cultures.
I would watch this video while it is available as a red flag is DW does not link to it on their site, as you can see
One writer, director, and narrator is Can Dündar
The other writer and director is Sarah Mabrouk
All the staff did a wonderful job and the credits start close to the 54:23 mark
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
DL Gang
